Product of two negative numbers is positive [duplicate]

What is the practical proof for $-1(-1)=+1$. Actually multiplication is repetitive addition. I am struggling how can I provide an activity to prove practically $-1(-1)=+1$

Law of Signs proof: $\rm\,\ (-x)(-y) = (-x)(-y) + x(\overbrace{-y + y}^{\large =\,0}) = (\overbrace{-x+x}^{\large =\,0})(-y) + xy = xy$

Equivalently, evaluate $\rm\:\overline{(-x)(-y) +} \overline{ \underline {x(-y)}} \underline{ +\,xy}\, $ in 2 ways, noting each over/under term $ = 0$

Said more conceptually, $\rm\:(-x)(-y)\ $ and $\rm\:xy\:$ are both inverses of $\rm\ x(-y)\ $ so they are equal by uniqueness of inverses: if $\,a\,$ has two additive inverses $\,\color{#c00}{-a}\,$ and $\,\color{#0a0}{-a},\,$ then

$$\color{#c00}{-a}\, =\, \color{#c00}{-a}+\overbrace{(a+\color{#0a0}{-a})}^{\large =\,0}\, =\, \overbrace{(\color{#c00}{-a}+a)}^{\large =\,0}+\color{#0a0}{-a}\, =\, \color{#0a0}{-a} $$

This proof of the Law of Signs uses well-known laws of positive integers (esp. the distributive law), so if we require that these laws persist in the larger system of positive and negative integers, then the Law of Signs is a logical consequence of these basic laws of positive integers.

These fundamental laws of "numbers" are axiomatized by the algebraic structure known as a ring, and various specializations thereof. Since the above proof uses only ring laws (most notably the distributive law), the Law of Signs holds true in every ring, e.g. rings of polynomials, power series, matrices, differential operators, etc. In fact every nontrivial ring theorem (i.e. one that does not degenerate to a theorem about the underlying additive group or multiplicative monoid), must employ the distributive law, since that is the only law that connects the additive and multiplicative structures that combine to form the ring structure. Without the distributive law a ring degenerates to a set with two completely unrelated additive and multiplicative structures. So, in a sense, the distributive law is a keystone of the ring structure.

$$1 + (-1) = 0$$ $$-1(1 + (-1)) = -1(0)$$ $$-1(1) + -1(-1) = 0$$ $$-1 + -1(-1) = 0$$ $$1 + (-1) + -1(-1) = 0 + 1$$ $$0 + -1(-1) = 1$$ $$-1(-1) = 1$$

If you assume some basic properties of addition and multiplication:

$$(-1) \times 0 = 0$$ $$(-1) \times ((-1) + 1) = 0$$ $$(-1) \times (-1) + (-1) \times 1 = 0$$ $$(-1) \times (-1) + (-1) = 0$$ $$(-1) \times (-1) + (-1) +1 = 0+1$$ $$(-1) \times (-1) + 0 = 1$$ $$(-1) \times (-1) = 1$$