What is the range and success rate on the Arc Thrower?

The range of the Arc Thrower is up to 2 squares. If your target has more than 3 health, the success chance is very low.

Per wikia, capture rates are:

  • 4 HP : 49% chance for success
  • 3 HP : 70% chance for success
  • 2 HP : 80% chance for success
  • 1 HP : 90% chance for success

Once you have the upgraded ARC Thrower, the capture rates are:

  • 7 HP : 49% chance for success
  • 6 HP : 70% chance for success
  • 5 HP : 75% chance for success
  • 4 HP : 80% chance for success
  • 3 HP : 85% chance for success
  • 2 HP : 90% chance for success
  • 1 HP : 95% chance for success