What is the range of a medikit?

Solution 1:

If the center of the tile is inside the circle, the tile is in range, if it isn't - it's not. This translates into the following:

Medkit radius

The area depicted is 5x5 tiles. Black is the injured operative, green are tiles from which healing is possible, red are the tiles from which healing is not possible.

Fun fact: medkits repair armor, so if you "heal" armor damage on an operative before the enemy gets through his armor, he won't have to recuperate no matter how many times armor hitpoints are removed.

Solution 2:

The above image is incorrect. It seems that dying units may fall to a side, causing the center of the unit to NOT be the center of the square it's in. The circle around the unit will thus be slightly displaced, and squares that are two squares away may or may not be within range.