How to add Outlook to "Share" popup menu in finder

Unfortunately I have an old habit to have the "send by email" when right click on a file in the Share option pop up window.

I would prefer to use the Outlook so I can email the selected file.

Right now it comes up with Twitter, Facebook, Messages, AirDrop and even with Flicker (that I do not have).

Is that option available on my MBA osx 10.8.3 ?

I found a temporary work around.

In Automator services, I added a new service!

And it works for me just fine, till someone comes up with a better solution.

See my screen capture for specific details how to (should be easy to follow since it is my first time I used Automator) and I am a Dummy.

Automator workflow

Important is to select your email service of your choice (gmail in my case) to send messages and attachments.

That will tell the OS X Mail client to use that service to send emails.

Save your Automator service file (give it a easy name you want to appear in the Finders right click popup window). Something like "Send file by email".

Now when I right click on a file in Finder it shows that service at the bottom of the popup window. Now just follow the instruction and see it work.

You were very close. But New Mail Message uses Apple Mail, not Outlook. To use Outlook you can use the Create New Outlook Mail Message action.

  1. In OSX El Cap:
  2. Command-Space for Spotlight
  3. Automator
  4. Command-N for "New" if it doesn't come up automatically
  5. Select Service
  6. Create the steps according to the screenshot below.

enter image description here

The action is now available under Services when you right click a file.

Result looks like:

enter image description here