Navigating Window Menu via keyboard

Ubuntu 17.10 - clean install

In older versions of Ubuntu (and in other operating systems, such as Windows), pressing Alt-Space opens the Window menu (the one that gives access to window options such as minimize, maximize, move window, etc). This is still true in Ubuntu 17.10. However, once that menu is open, it does not appear to be affected by the keyboard - for example, in previous Ubuntu versions, pressing Alt+Space, then M would minimize the window, Alt+Space, then X would maximize the window, etc.

Not in 17.10 - I haven't found a keystroke that will activate any of the menu items (I can use the arrow keys to highlight the items, but Enter doesn't select the item, nor does there appear to be an assigned accelerator key - such as M or X - to select the option).

Is there somewhere that these kinds of things can be set, or am I missing something blindingly obvious? (I know about, for example, Super+H to minimize - but that doesn't seem very intuitive to me, and would necessitate a learning curve to use - whereas the old standard keyboard shortcuts Alt+Space, M is well ingrained into my habits)...


In Ubuntu version 18.04, and maybe earlier (didn't try), you can find global shortcuts that are different but quite intuitive anyway:

  • Super + Up for Maximize
  • Super + Down for Restore (un-maximize)
  • Super + Left for View split on left
  • Super + Right for View split on right

While I was also very used to the original sequence Ctrl+Space, X, I found these shortcuts useful enough so that it did not cost much pain to learn it. HTH.

It is a bug - see bug 1710421 at LaunchPad.

The solution is to drop GNOME Shell and switch to:

  • GNOME FlashBack (sudo apt-get install gnome-panel to install)

    GNOME FlashBack window menu

  • MATE Desktop Environment (sudo apt-get install ubuntu-mate-desktop^ to install).

    MATE DE window menu