Keyboard shortcut to search for selected/highlighted text

In Chrome, you can highlight some text on a web page and use the right-click context menu to open a google search for the selected text in a new tab.

It would be super convenient if I could access this feature using a keyboard shortcut instead of the right-click menu. I've tried searching for existing extensions and also scoured the list of existing keyboard shortcuts here:

Does anybody know a way to accomplish this?

This will work while in Chrome:

  • First highlight some text
  • Hit CTRL+C - This copies the text
  • Hit CTRL+T - This creates a new tab and makes it the focus
  • Hit CTRL+V - This pastes the text in the Omnibox (Chrome defaults the cursor there)
  • Hit Enter - This will search the text in the Omnibox

Want to automate it? Use AutoHotKey to make it an automatic macro using CTRL+Alt+S Use this script::

  Send ^c
  Send ^t
  Send ^v
  Send {Enter}

FYI, I tested this script and it works in Chrome.

I have two answers for this in AHK as well.

This is global applicable anywhere (not only in chrome). Just select text and press Windows+G

#g::  ;;Google selected text
   Send, ^c

One is this from my answer here. Select Text and press Windows+Shift+G. This is different in that it just gives you a link on the clipboard.

; Search google for the highlighted word
; then get the first link address and put it on the Clipboard

^!r:: Reload

    bak = %clipboard%
    Send, ^c
    ;clipboard = %bak%`r`n%clipboard%
    Query = %clipboard%
    wb := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application")
    ;wb := IEGet()
    wb.Visible := false
    wb.Navigate("" Query)
    While wb.readyState != 4 || wb.document.readyState != "complete" || wb.busy ; wait for the page to load
      sleep 100
    ; loop % (Nodes := wb.document.getElementById("rso").childNodes).length
    ;     Links_urls .= (A_index = 1) ? Nodes[A_index-1].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href : "`n" . Nodes[A_index-1].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href
    ; Msgbox %Links_urls%

    Nodes := wb.document.getElementById("rso").childNodes
    First_link := Nodes[0].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href
    Clipboard = %First_link%
    TrayTip, First Link on Google Search, %First_link% `r`n Ctrl+V to paste the link

Based on what Parivar Saraff has suggested here, here is a 3 in 1 AutoHotKey Script:

;Hotkey Modifier Symbols (for how to customize the hotkeys)

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

;                               Google-search selected text
;  Usage:ctrl+shift+G
   Send, ^c
   Sleep 150
   Run, ;(изм.себе на


;                               Google-dictionary selected text
;  Usage:ctrl+shift+D
   Send, ^c
   Sleep 150
   Run, ;(изм.себе на


;                           Wikipedia-search selected text by using google "site:" operator
;  Usage:ctrl+shift+W
   Send, ^c
   Sleep 150
   Run, %Clipboard% ;(изм.себе на


also highlighted text conversion script(a combination of such script variations on the web):

;Hotkey Modifier Symbols (for how to customize the hotkeys)

    ;Hotkey Modifier Symbols (for how to customize the hotkeys)

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

cycleNumber := 1

#IfWinNotActive ahk_class XLMAIN

                                ;Highlighting any text, and then pressing that HotKey will cycle through the 4 most common text casings, converting the highlighted text right in-line.

                                    ;For example:

    ;If you highlight "This is a test sentence", and then hit that HotKey once, it'll make it all UPPERCASE ("THIS IS A TEST SENTENCE").
    ;Hit the HotKey again, it'll convert it to lowercase ("this is a test sentence").
    ;Hit it again and it'll convert it to Sentence case ("This is a test sentence"). (First letter is capitalized, rest is lower-case).
    ;Finally, hit it one more time and it'll convert it to Mixed case, or what I often call, "camel-case" ("This Is A Test Sentence"). (Each word is capitalized).

;  Usage:Ctrl+Shift+C

If (cycleNumber==1)
cycleNumber:= 2
Else If (cycleNumber==2)
cycleNumber:= 3
Else If (cycleNumber==3)
cycleNumber:= 4
cycleNumber:= 1

    clipSave := Clipboard
    Clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard so that ClipWait has something to detect
    SendInput, ^c ; Copies selected text
    StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `n, All ; Fix for SendInput sending Windows linebreaks 
    StringUpper, Clipboard, Clipboard
    Len:= Strlen(Clipboard) ;Set number of characters ;Set number of characters
    SendInput, ^v ; Pastes new text
    Send +{left %Len%} ;Re-select text
    VarSetCapacity(clipSave, 0) ; Free memory
    Clipboard := clipSave ;Restore previous clipboard

    clipSave := Clipboard
    Clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard so that ClipWait has something to detect
    SendInput, ^c ; Copies selected text
    StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `n, All ; Fix for SendInput sending Windows linebreaks
    StringLower, Clipboard, Clipboard
    Len:= Strlen(Clipboard) ;Set number of characters
    SendInput, ^v ; Pastes new text
    Send +{left %Len%} ;Re-select text
    VarSetCapacity(clipSave, 0) ; Free memory
    Clipboard := clipSave ;Restore previous clipboard

    clipSave := Clipboard
    Clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard so that ClipWait has something to detect
    SendInput, ^c ; Copies selected text
    StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `n, All ; Fix for SendInput sending Windows linebreaks
    StringLower, Clipboard, Clipboard
    Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard, "(((^|([.!?]+\s+))[a-z])| i | i')", "$u1")
    Len:= Strlen(Clipboard) ;Set number of characters
    SendInput, ^v ; Pastes new text
    Send +{left %Len%} ;Re-select text
    VarSetCapacity(clipSave, 0) ; Free memory
    Clipboard := clipSave ;Restore previous clipboard

    clipSave := Clipboard
    Clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard so that ClipWait has something to detect
    SendInput, ^c ; Copies selected text
    StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `n, All ; Fix for SendInput sending Windows linebreaks
    StringUpper Clipboard, Clipboard, T
    Len:= Strlen(Clipboard) ;Set number of characters
    SendInput, ^v ; Pastes new text
    Send +{left %Len%} ;Re-select text
    VarSetCapacity(clipSave, 0) ; Free memory
    Clipboard := clipSave ;Restore previous clipboard


                        ; Convert selected text to inverted case
                                    ;    Ex: THIS_is-a_tESt -> this_IS-A_TesT
; Usage:ctrl+Shift+I 
    ; save original contents of clipboard
    Clip_Save:= ClipboardAll

    ; empty clipboard
    Clipboard:= ""

    ; copy highlighted text to clipboard
    Send ^c{delete}

    ; clear variable that will hold output string
    Inv_Char_Out:= ""

    ; loop for each character in the clipboard
    Loop % Strlen(Clipboard)
        ; isolate the character
        Inv_Char:= Substr(Clipboard, A_Index, 1)

        ; if upper case
        if Inv_Char is upper
            ; convert to lower case
           Inv_Char_Out:= Inv_Char_Out Chr(Asc(Inv_Char) + 32)
        ; if lower case
        else if Inv_Char is lower
            ; convert to upper case
           Inv_Char_Out:= Inv_Char_Out Chr(Asc(Inv_Char) - 32)
            ; copy character to output var unchanged
           Inv_Char_Out:= Inv_Char_Out Inv_Char
    ; send desired text
    Send %Inv_Char_Out%
    Len:= Strlen(Inv_Char_Out)

    ; highlight desired text
    Send +{left %Len%}

    ; restore original clipboard
    Clipboard:= Clip_Save
                            ; Text–only paste from ClipBoard (while the clipboard formatted text itself is being untouched)
; Usage:ctrl+Shift+I 
   Clip0 = %ClipBoardAll%
   Clipboard = %Clipboard%  ; Convert clipboard text to plain text.
   StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard,%A_SPACE%",", All ; Remove space introduced by WORD
   StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `n, All ; Fix for Send sending Windows linebreaks
   Send ^v                       ; For best compatibility: SendPlay
   Sleep 50                      ; Don't change clipboard while it is pasted! (Sleep > 0)
   ClipBoard = %Clip0%           ; Restore original ClipBoard
   VarSetCapacity(Clip0, 0)      ; Free memory

                                    ; Wrap selected text in double quotes->" "
; Usage:Ctrl+Shift+Q
    clipSave := Clipboard
    Clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard so that ClipWait has something to detect
    SendInput, ^c ; Copies selected text
    StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `n, All ; Fix for SendInput sending Windows linebreaks
    Clipboard := Chr(34) . Clipboard . Chr(34)
    Len:= Strlen(Clipboard) ;Set number of characters
    SendInput, ^v ; Pastes new text
    Send +{left %Len%} ;Re-select text
    VarSetCapacity(clipSave, 0) ; Free memory
    Clipboard := clipSave ;Restore previous clipboard

   SplashTextOn,,,Updated script,
   Send, ^s

Apparently, pressing S after activating the context menu on a highlighted text will do just that (Chrome 78 here). The context menu can be opened with Shift+F10 or with the dedicated "context menu" button on your keyword.

These two shortcuts can be combined into one using AutoHotKey:

  Send +{F10}
  Send s

This, for example, will make Ctrl+G search for the highlighted text in a new tab.

The major advantage of this method over @Keltari answer is that it doesn't use the clipboard and thus doesn't overwrite previous values there.