Show percent completion in Word, with a target word count

I know Word shows you the Word count, but is it possible to set a target word count, and then make it display the percentage of completion?

So for instance, if you'd set the target at 1800 words, and you had 900 words, it'd show 50% somewhere.

A solution for LibreOffice would be fine too.

The word count is available as field {NUMWORDS}. You could create a custom field that shows the result of a formula:

{=(100/<target>) * {NUMWORDS} \# "0 %"}

If you put thie field into the header / footer of the page, you'll have a display of the percent completion. This value won't update automatically, but it's no problem to write a one-line macro ActiveDocument.Fields.Update and define a keybord shortcut. You could even "refactor" that field and define the target value as variable.

If you enter the formula above, take care not to insert {NUMWORDS} literally - Word won't accept the formula. Instead, create the formula without {NUMWORDS} in a first step, then edit it and insert the NUMWORDS field using the ribbon.

Since the word count is available as field also in LibreOffice, i assume a similar solution would be possible there, too, but at a first glance i didn't find a way to define the function.


A quick and dirty (!) VBA macro may look as follows:

Sub count()
    MsgBox "Target Count Ratio: " & Int(100 / 1800 * Int(ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Number of Words"))) & "%"
End Sub

It just pops up a message box displaying the current target count ratio.