Solution 1:

To avoid the coupling, I would prefer not to set the initializer outside the Assembly that contains the DataContext. So, I added a static constructor for the DataContext. This way every project referencing this Assembly will enjoy the initializer without explicitly setting it, and the initializer is set only once per process.

static MyDataContext()
   Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<MyDataContext, Configuration>());

The connection string will of course be taken from the application configuration file.

Solution 2:

You would need a mechanism to call the Database.SetInitializer method before the very first usage of the DbContext. That is why its usually called in the Global.asax file.

You can create a class with an initialization method in your tm.Service project and call it in the Application_Start method and put the Database.SetInitializer in that initialization method.

Its OK to supply the connection string from a setting file.