When I make a draggable clone and drop it in a droppable I cannot drag it again

Solution 1:

One way to do it is:

$(document).ready(function() {
        accept: '.product',
        drop: function(event, ui) {
            $("#container .product").addClass("item");
            $(".item").removeClass("ui-draggable product");
                containment: 'parent',
                grid: [150,150]
        helper: 'clone'

But I'm not sure if it is nice and clean coding.

Solution 2:

I found this question via Google. I couldn't keep the positions from snapping to the container either, until I changed 'ui.draggable' to 'ui.helper' when appending:


Solution 3:

For those trying to reposition the dropped item. Take a look here.

Jquery drag /drop and clone.

I actually had to use code that looks like

$(item).css('position', 'absolute');
$(item).css('top', ui.position.top - $(this).position().top);
$(item).css('left', ui.position.left - $(this).position().left);

to do it.