Choose a destination with a supported architecture in order to run on this device [closed]

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my Xcode is Version 4.4.1

The project worked perfect before updating to this newer version, but now it stopped working

Solution 1:

I have had the same issue when making multiple targets. My issue was that I had to change my Product Name under Packaging.

In each target project > Build Settings > Packaging -> Product Name

Solution 2:

I wanted to install my old application on iPad. I updated the my XCode from 4.3.2 to XCode 4.5 and having this problem.I tried searched alot finally got this solution.

In your target settings (not project settings), please check the following settings there

Valid Architectures : armv7

In my case, there was arm6 which i removed from it and it works. Hope this helps :)

Solution 3:

Had the same issue today. If you have added any file check if you didn't also add info.plist with the files. Remove that and it will work.

Solution 4:

In your Info.plist remove a string "Required device capabilities armv7"