Deterministic way to find which installed fonts support a given Unicode character or script?

Solution 1:

I found an old tool from 2007 that has this feature, somewhat hidden:

CharMapEx can be downloaded from a post in the blog "Internationalization Cookbook".

  1. First you will need to find the Unicode hex code of the character, or beginning of the Unicode script range.
    This doesn't seem to be included in the tool but one way to find it is to do a Google search including the character you're looking for plus the keyword "fileformat". The site will give you the code.

  2. Use the toolbar of CharMapEx to go to the range.

  3. Whether the default loaded font includes the character or not there will be a box for your character. If the character is not included the box will be red but may still have the character rendered in a fallback font.

  4. Right-click on the box for your character, even if it just has a square box or question mark, etc. You will see a pop-up menu.

  5. Select "Find font containing glyph" from the popup menu.

  6. A dialog will now open containing a list of the names of all your locally installed fonts which contain a glyph for this character. You can't copy and paste the list unfortunately but you can click on any item and the display will be updated with that font.