How to alias a function name in Fortran

Yes, Fortran has procedure pointers, so you can in effect alias a function name. Here is a code example which assigns to the function pointer "f_ptr" one function or the other. Thereafter the program can use "f_ptr" and the selected function will be invoked.

module ExampleFuncs

   implicit none


function f1 (x)
  real :: f1
  real, intent (in) :: x

  f1 = 2.0 * x

end function f1

function f2 (x)
   real :: f2
   real, intent (in) :: x

   f2 = 3.0 * x**2

end function f2

end module ExampleFuncs

program test_func_ptrs

    use ExampleFuncs
    implicit none

   abstract interface
      function func (z)
         real :: func
         real, intent (in) :: z
      end function func
   end interface

   procedure (func), pointer :: f_ptr => null ()

   real :: input

   write (*, '( / "Input test value: ")', advance="no" )
   read (*, *) input

   if ( input < 0 ) then
      f_ptr => f1
      f_ptr => f2
   end if

   write (*, '(/ "evaluate function: ", ES14.4 )' )  f_ptr (input)


end program test_func_ptrs

Most Fortran implementations do not have a standard way to manipulate function pointers or procedure pointers. However, Fortran 2003 and later have something. (See page 6 of this.)

For the given situation, this will work pretty well in its place:

 function func1 (p1, p2, etc)
 ...  as you have it already

 function func2 (p1, p2, etc)
 ...  as you have it already

 function funcselect (a, p1, p2, etc)
     if (a < 0) then
          x = func1 (p1, p2, etc)
          x = func2 (p1, p2, etc)

Then just call funcselect with the extra parameter instead of what you would have done with loop_func.