How to set up a multiseat system?
I intent to buy a new Desktop PC, but I'm wondering if I can share one machine between 2 users. I read about the subject, however I didn't find any guide for that, only some isolated answers/comentaries. Then I tried to test it with my laptop that has only one video board, but after some tries that failed and killed my graphicall interface and at each try I had to reinstall my system, I gave up.
I know that LightDM does support multiseat, but it's only unlockable through editing lighdm.conf, there are not any graphicalleasytouseandfullofbuttons programs... and any instructions.
So the questions are:
Can I have a multiseat system using Ubuntu 11.10/12.04 with two video boards? And if so, HOW?
Can I have a multiseat using one video board? If so, HOW?
Thank you for the attention, Rodrigo Martins.
[EDIT] I've been trying to get something from these sources:
Support multi-seat
Configuration file for setup1
Virtual terminal switching with multiseat setup and lightdm
multiseat sample xorg.conf ati intel
I figured out more or less how to setup lightdm.conf for multiseat, but the problem now stands at xorg.conf, looking at the fourth and fifth links I had some idea of how to do the configuration, but I don't know how to call my second screen, that is connected to the VGA output , in the Section when it asks for the 'Identifier', 'Screen' and 'Monitor', is it just to put screen1 and monitor1? vga and vga-monitor?
Can you help me with this?
Solution 1:
Multi-seat support for LightDM was discussed during development and a fix has been released for Oneiric:
Support multi-seat setup. This is (I think) when you run two sessions on a single X server (with two displays/keyboards/mice).
The basic configuration of lightdm.conf is
displays=display0 display1
The lead developer also gives this example in the report:
command=/usr/bin/X -foo
Thus for each video card you need to define an X-session (through xnest & xephir)
In the report a specific example of a xorg.conf file should support for multiple nvidia displays.
In terms with running multiple X sessions from one video card this is currently unsupported.
I hope this answer gives you some ideas to work through.