Ubuntu 18.04 hangs on booting with message "started user manager for uid 120" on Asus 1015PX

I installed Ubuntu 18.04 amd64 desktop on Asus Eeepc 1015px, but it hangs on booting. The last message is 'Started User Manager for UID 120'.

I managed to boot up in recovery mode and finished the installation with 'sudo apt-get upgrade', but nothing has changed.

Does anybody know how I can tackle it?

Thanks in advance, Newton.

The same happened to me and the reason was no left space on the disk.

In the case that it could be your problem too, try the following:

During the stucked booting, press alt+F3 to enter the second terminal, then login. Now you should be in your home folder. Some functionality could be unavailable because of the lack of space. Now try to remove some big files by rm command. You can check the current status of the disc usage by command df -h. After there is enough space on your disk, just enter reboot and the system should boot normally.

Enter Ubuntu through recovery mode, from the main menu choose the first option, the one about the restart, give always ok and you should arrive to the desktop; once in, update and upgrade everything and after that open a terminal and type sudo nano /etc/gdm3/custom.conf , once the file is opened, in the [daemon] section uncomment WaylandEnable=false , save and restart, problem fixed ;-) .

I found that using lightdm the nomodeset parameter was the key to fixing my issue with 18.04

Nomodeset: How to get in once via temporary grub change

You can add the grub configuration parameters if you hold right shift at bootup and press e to edit Ubuntu parameters. You need to replace quiet splash with nomodeset. Then hit ctrl x to save and continue.

Lightdm: How to put in the permanent fix

Once in, open a terminal and type sudo apt install lightdm, then sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm, then sudo reboot

Please refer to this amazing guide for more details and screenshots!:

My computer boots to a black screen, what options do I have to fix it?

I had the same symptoms: "started User Manager for UID xyz" then lost of display using a NVIDIA GEFORCE GT 1030 on Ubuntu 18.04. In my case, the driver was just not installed.

To fix the issue, I removed the GT 1030, booted using the integrated video card and enabled telnet service. I then put the GT 1030 back, booted the computer, opened a Telnet session from a different computer and installed NVIDIA Driver using command line instructions. In found these instructions to be very helpful: https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/install-nvidia-driver-ubuntu-18-04