Repeated SMB QUERY_PATH_INFO Packets for Windows file share

This is related to my previous question here, but I have narrowed it down and want to open another one.

I have windows 2000 server on its own domain, there is no trust between the clients domain and the windows 2000 server. With two Windows 2003 Enterprise clients in the same subnet I map the Windows 2003 file system that is another subnet as a network drive using map as different user and 'OLDDOMAIN\auser'.

One of those Windows 2003 clients is a domain controller for NewDomain, and the other is not a domain controller at all. The one that is a domain controller is not slow, the one that is not a domain controller is slow.

When I do a packet dump from each client, the one that is slow, the non-domain controller, has repeated SMB QUERY_PATH_INFO packets when accessing the file whereas the domain controller only has a couple of these messages. ipconfig /all shows the same results (with a different ip of course) on both clients. Neither have olddomain in their search path, or any WINs settings in the ipconfig output.

If I remember correctly, you stated in your other post that one of the machines in question was running NT4. Is that right? If so, these may or may not be relevant, but they're worth a look: