How to "batch" create folders for Active Directory users' network drive?
This is how I add new users to my Active Directory server:
- Setup the OU's, Groups, etc in AD GUI
- Create a batch file to create new users (dsmod)
- Run that .bat file
- Create a batch file to reset the individual passwords to something unique (admod)
- Run that .bat file
Now I want to add something to the workflow, which I do not know how:
- Create individual folders in a Local Drive named after each user (e.g. d:\sAMAccount)
- Assign those folders to each respective user in Active Directory
- Automatically Map Network Drive when the users login (assuming their PC's are in the Domain)
What's the best way to go about this?
in your server side batch:
- create the folder,
- create a share with a sAMAccountName based naming convention,
assign a 'mount my home share' login script to the new account
md d:\%sAMAccountName%
net share home-%sAMAccountName%$=d:\sAMAccountName /GRANT:%sAMAccountName,FULL /REMARK:"Home-Folder for %sAMAccountName%"
dsquery user -samid %sAMAccountName% | dsmod user -loscr "\SomeDC\NETLOGON\mapHome.cmd"
the 'mapHome' script is the same script for all affected users it just contains:
net use h: \\FileServer\home-%USERNAME%$