Java Enums and Switch Statements - the default case?

For people suggesting throwing an exception:
Throwing an exception doesn't give me a compile-time error, it gives me a runtime error. I know I can throw an exception, I'd rather die during compilation than during runtime.

First-off, I am using eclipse 3.4.

I have a data model that has a mode property that is an Enum.

enum Mode {on(...), off(...), standby(...); ...}

I am currently writing a view of this model and I have the code

switch(model.getMode()) {
case on:
   return getOnColor();
case off:
   return getOffColor();
case standby:
   return getStandbyColor();

I am getting an error "This method must return a result of type java.awt.Color" because I have no default case and no return xxx at the end of the function. I want a compilation error in the case where someone adds another type to the enum (e.g. shuttingdown) so I don't want to put a default case that throws an AssertionError, as this will compile with a modified Mode and not be seen as an error until runtime.

My question is this:
Why does EclipseBuilder (and javac) not recognize that this switch covers all possibilities (or does it cover them?) and stop warning me about needing a return type. Is there a way I can do what I want without adding methods to Mode?

Failing that, is there an option to warn/error on switch statements that don't cover all of the Enum's possible values?

Edit: Rob: It is a compile error. I just tried compiling it with javac and I get a "missing return statement" error targeting the last } of the method. Eclispe just places the error at the top of the method.

Solution 1:

You could always use the Enum with Visitor pattern:

enum Mode {
  on {
      public <E> E accept( ModeVisitor<E> visitor ) {
         return visitor.visitOn();
  off {
      public <E> E accept( ModeVisitor<E> visitor ) {
         return visitor.visitOff();
  standby {
      public <E> E accept( ModeVisitor<E> visitor ) {
         return visitor.visitStandby();

  public abstract <E> E accept( ModeVisitor<E> visitor );

  public interface ModeVisitor<E> {
      E visitOn();
      E visitOff();
      E visitStandby();

Then you would implement something like the following:

public final class ModeColorVisitor implements ModeVisitor<Color> {
    public Color visitOn() {
       return getOnColor();

    public Color visitOff() {
       return getOffColor();

    public Color visitStandby() {
       return getStandbyColor();


You'd use it as follows:

return model.getMode().accept( new ModeColorVisitor() );

This is a lot more verbose but you'd immediately get a compile error if a new enum was declared.

Solution 2:

You have to enable in Eclipse (window -> preferences) settings "Enum type constant not covered in switch" with Error level.

Throw an exception at the end of the method, but don't use default case.

public String method(Foo foo)
  switch(foo) {
  case x: return "x";
  case y: return "y";

  throw new IllegalArgumentException();

Now if someone adds new case later, Eclipse will make him know he's missing a case. So don't ever use default unless you have really good reasons to do so.

Solution 3:

I don't know why you get this error, but here is a suggestion, Why don't you define the color in the enum itself? Then you can't accidentally forget to define a new color.

For example:

import java.awt.Color;

public class Test {

    enum Mode 
        on (Color.BLACK), 
        off (Color.RED),
        standby (Color.GREEN);

        private final Color color; 
        Mode (Color aColor) { color = aColor; }
        Color getColor() { return color; }

    class Model
        private Mode mode;
        public Mode getMode () { return mode; }

    private Model model;

    public Color getColor()
        return model.getMode().getColor();

btw, for comparison here is the original case, with compiler error.

import java.awt.Color;
public class Test {

    enum Mode {on, off, standby;}

    class Model
        private Mode mode;
        public Mode getMode () { return mode; }

    private Model model;

    public Color getColor()
        switch(model.getMode()) {
        case on:
           return Color.BLACK;
        case off:
           return Color.RED;
        case standby:
           return Color.GREEN;