How to check if an array contains any item of another array

Solution 1:

Using LINQ:


Note: Using Any() assures that the intersection algorithm stops when the first equal object is found.

Solution 2:


bool result = bar.Any(el => foo.Contains(el));

C#4 parallel execution:

bool result = bar.AsParallel().Any(el => foo.AsParallel().Contains(el));

Solution 3:

Yes nested loops, although one is hidden:

bool AnyAny(int[] A, int[]B)
    foreach(int i in A)
       if (B.Any(b=> b == i))
           return true;
    return false;

Solution 4:

Another solution:

var result = array1.Any(l2 => array2.Contains(l2)) == true ? "its there": "not there";

If you have class instead of built in datatypes like int etc, then need to override Override Equals and GetHashCode implementation for your class.