Authenticating samba shares with active directory users and groups

Solution 1:

Try following the official guide:

I'm guessing you haven't linked the password files, as it says Samba and likewise use separate databases.

Best of luck.

Solution 2:

Here is a good guide, step by step.

  • First step. install andconfigure kerberos:

  • Next install required packages: winbind samba

  • And if you wish to mount samba folders: smbfs smbclient

  • Then Join the AD domain by editing the /etc/samba/smb.conf file ( follow the guide )

Solution 3:

This isn't an answer per se, but I think it's informative (I never tried it).. I have been browsing the canonical partner repository (for ubuntu 10.10 maverick) and I noticed a package named "centrifydc". The description follows:

Description: Centrify Express
 Free Active Directory Integration and single sign-on for Ubuntu - Centrify
 Express is the No. 1 choice of IT professionals for Active Directory-based
 authentication and single sign-on to cross-platform systems.
 Centrify Express is not only the quickest and easiest solution to use and
 deploy for integrating Ubuntu systems with Active Directory, but delivers more
 functionality and more to upgrade to than alternative offerings.  And best of
 all - it is free! For more free tools, information and community support check

An informative website of what you have to do:

Solution 4:

See this it may help you