Set data Type in Vue data object with Typescript

Solution 1:

To add to Joshua's answer, you may want to declare the type of players inline so your code doesn't get too verbose as your data gets larger.

data() {
  return {
    players: [] as Player[]

another option:

data() {
  return {
    players: new Array<Player>()

Solution 2:

This should work:

declare interface Player {
  cod: string,
  param: string

declare interface BaseComponentData {
  players: Player[]

export default Vue.extend({
  name: 'basecomponent',
  data(): BaseComponentData {
    return {
      players: []

Solution 3:

Your data method has an undeclared return value.

If you supply one, TypeScript will know what to expect with players.

You just need to expand the data() { line.


data() {
  return {
    players: []

needs to become:

data() : {
  players: Array<any>, // if possible, replace `any` with something more specific
} {
  return {
    players: []

Tada! players is now of type Array of any.