Ubuntu 16.04 Xfce unable to start display setting

Within the screen, going to APPLICATIONS -> SETTING then DISPLAY the response is Unable to Start the Xfce display settings This system is using RandR 1.1. For the display settings to work version 1.2 is required at least

Solution 1:

I've been bumping into the same "Unable to start the Xfce Display Settings" popup while xrandr --version reports program & server versions 1.5.0 & 1.5, respectively. So this error isn't necessarily related to xrandr versioning.

It appears the presence of any xorg configuration file (/etc/X11/xorg.conf, or in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/) causes the error during xfce4-display-settings startup.

Remove any xorg config files, log-out, log-back-in, and you should be able to access the xfce display settings as intended.

...the catch is, if you actually need the existing xorg config, its unclear how to write-out/meld changes applied by xfce settings with your own xorg.conf. For example, I need a second xscreen to exist (display=:0.1), but don't want the xfce desktop doing anything to it. So this is more of a workaround than a solution...