Increasing inventory in Torchlight 2

I'm new to games like Torchlight 2 so I'm playing on casual difficulty to get used to it. Now I'm finding myself having to clear my inventory (loading my pet up with all unwanted equipment and sending him to town to sell it) 2 to 3 times every time I enter a dungeon. So at the moment it feels like I'm clearing my inventory excessively and wasting a lot of time this way.

Can I somehow increase my inventory size and/or is there some sort of a banker anywhere? Does increasing the difficulty level decrease the amount of drops you get?

Solution 1:

There is no way to increase your basic inventory size (note: mods could change that in the future). However, there are two stashes in town: the personal stash and the shared stash. The shared stash is accessible by every character on your account. In the starting town the two stashes are near the top-most exit; each stash looks like a chest but their appearances are unique.

Note that you can filter what drops you can actually see in the options screen. Are you picking up lots of whites? My advice there would be not to bother, and to filter them out.

Difficulty does not affect drop levels.

Solution 2:

Sending your pet to town is commonplace in Torchlight - with their ability to buy things for you it's not such a hassle to send them back anymore either.

Also, don't just wait for your pet to return - I'm constantly sending him out and back while progressing as needed.

The difficulty does not have an affect on the drops as far as I'm aware.

Solution 3:

As mentioned in the above answer by peacedog, there is no way to increase the inventory size. The sending pet to town feature itself is added for saving time on clearing the inventory.

Having completed the game, I would say that clearing the inventory is not a daunting task. In fact it earns for enchantments and other services from the merchants. When you get a better item than the one you use currently, use it and sell all others. It almost never helps to stack items in stashes/inventory, because, by the time you use it, a better one will be dropped. Same case with socketables too. As the game tip suggests, use our socketables then and there.

Shared stash is a cool way of storing any good character specific items for other characters that you may find along the ways.