Benefits of rank in clans?

Solution 1:

Being an elder means you have basic privileges over unranked members such that you can invite people from outside and kick unranked members.They however cannot demote people.

Co-leader has the same privileges except that they can kick both unranked members and elders and have the power to demote lower ranks until they are a member (the lowest rank).

They can also promote unranked members and elders up to the co-leader rank.

The leader has the same privileges but can promote/demote/kick out anyone within the clan.

Additionally co-leaders and the leader can change the clan message that is displayed at the front clan page as well as sending clan announcements to the other members within the clan.

so in a sense, ranks give a certain individual a portion of the leader's power. These powers/privileges increase with rank.

As for rewards given to higher members? there is none.

Its all a measure of responsibility within the clan... in a fun way

Solution 2:

CoC permissions matrix

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words, but in this case I just need 30 characters to make a post.