How to hack terminals

Solution 1:

In order to contribute to your likeness score, a letter must be in the correct position. For the sake of example, let's assume that CARS is the correct password. In this case:

  • BARS would yield a likeness score of 3
  • CAMP would yield a likeness score of 2
  • BRAS would yield a likeness score of 1

It is worth noting that this is not the only mechanic at play - if you find a matching set of parentheses, brackets, or braces ( (...), [...], {...}) on the same line, you can click on the leftmost of the pair without using an attempt. Doing so will either reset your attempts, or eliminate an incorrect password from the terminal.

As pointed out by Nolonar, there are situtations where you can reuse a closing punctuation mark multiple times. For example, you would be able to use the first two braces within the following string: {..{..}. This does not work in reverse - You will only get one use out of the string {..}..}.