How can I change the name "Rubbish Bin" to "Trash" (or "Recycle")

A recent update (Ubuntu 10.04) has caused my Trash bin to be renamed to "Rubbish Bin".. I don't like this new name. How can I change it?

I've tried: gconf-editor -> apps/nautilus/desktop -> trash_icon_name
but that didn't work.

Also, $HOME/.config/user-dirs.dirs has no entry for the Trash directory...

Solution 1:

There is an option to select the interface language at the login screen. I've just tried loggin out and selecting Australian English, and now have the 'Rubbish Bin' in Nautilus. Select English USA and you should get 'Trash'.

Solution 2:

Sounds like you may have set yourself to a different location (eg. UK) as I believe that is the name for it when using UK english.

Solution 3:

probably the easiest way you can can change it is to install ubuntu tweak and under the desktop icon settings you can name it anything you want.