Thunar - Failed to create archive, no suitable archive manager found

Ever since I installed Xubuntu 16.04.2 I have this weird bug, whenever I try to create an archive from the right-click menu in Thunar I get the following error message:"Failed to create archive. No suitable archive manager found.". When I use the Extract Here option, it works fine, file-roller launches and extracts the archive without a hitch. It seems like file-roller is not linked to the Create Archive in the right click menu of Thunar.

I googled my problem and found some old forum posts with some workarounds but none of them seem to work anymore, at least for me.

I tried:

thunar-archive-plugin not working

Does anyone know how to re-associate file-roller to the Create Archive right click menu launcher? Or how I can just simply fix it?

This seems to be a Thunar/XFCE specific issue, I managed to track the problem which is related to the menu editor and how apps are linked to it, in particular "File-Roller". Apparently when you edit (change the icon or name) of the second "Archive Manager" launcher in the "Menu Editor" and save it, for some odd reason it dissociates "File-Roller" from the said launcher and it won't work anymore.

In order to fix it, simply delete the second "Archive Manager" launcher and everything is back to normal. Once deleted, you should be able to create archives again from the right click context menu. See images for further clarification:

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

I had the same problem, but only one .desktop file (menu entry in LinuxScientist's answer). My solution was in

  1. Verify that /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache contains entires to file-roller, like:
  2. sudo update-desktop-database to "(re)Build cache database of MIME types handled by desktop files"
  3. thunar -q to quit, then restart Thunar (optional?)

Somehow I ran into the same problem again, this time it was an "extra" org.gnome.FileRoller.desktop file in my home's ~/.local/share/applications/ folder, in addition to the "original" /usr/share/applications/org.gnome.FileRoller.desktop.

First I compared the two files to make sure they were essentially identical

diff -s ~/.local/share/applications/org.gnome.FileRoller.desktop /usr/share/applications/org.gnome.FileRoller.desktop |less

then I removed ~/.local/share/applications/org.gnome.FileRoller.desktop and immediately thunar was creating archives again.

(This might be the same root problem as the other answer by LinuxScientist, but they didn't say where the duplicate file was, and with this answer I don't rely on the GUI Menu Editor)