Make windows 8 install updates when shutting down without disabling fast boot

TL;DR: Scroll to the bottom bolded part

When logging in to my Windows 8 PC, there's a yellow message like this:

Windows Update

Your PC will restart in 2 days to finish installing security updates.

Sure, update notifications.

I'm a long time user of Windows, having used it from 95 (although I don't remember much from that period). XP, Vista, and Win 7 all exhibited the following behavior:

  • There are updates.
  • I don't care about them.
  • When I leave work, I initialize shutdown of my PC.
  • Windows installs the updates and shuts down my PC.
  • When I get to work the next day, it has to spend maybe 1 extra minute to finish up.
  • I can get back to work.

Windows 8, instead, decides to not install updates during shutdown. Apparently shutting it down and booting backup isn't a restart. Weird terminology they're using there.

Thus, with windows 8, my process is as such:

  • There are updates.
  • I don't care about them.
  • When I leave work, I initialize shutdown of my PC.
  • Windows shuts down my pc.
  • When I get to work the next day, I boot my pc up.
  • Windows sees that it's automatic restart time, and spends 2 minutes or so installing updates.
  • Windows then does a hard restart.
  • After booting, windows finalizes installation of the updates.
  • In these 3 minutes, I've mentally labelled my workstation as "unavailable" and gone off to do semi- or non-work related things (talking to co-workers, getting drinks, toying around with my phone...)
  • When I get back to my workstation, 10-30 minutes later...
  • I can get back to work.

So I google and find out this "not installing updates on shutdown" is due to fast boot.

I like fast boot and don't want to disable it. I don't want to do a cold hard shutdown every time I leave for work if this makes booting the PC slower. I can probably wait the extra 10 seconds, but ideally, when I shutdown my PC, it either installs updates via a full shutdown, or it does a shutdown for fast-boot.

How can I configure Windows 8 as such that it will, on shutdown: if there are no updates, do a shutdown with fast boot - if there are updates, do the full shutdown? Even better would be if it did the full restart and did a fast shutdown afterward, that'd make my boot process take the same time, regardless of whether it needed any updates.

Solution 1:

Simply press and hold the shift key when clicking on Shutdown. This invokes a full shutdown and installs the updates. And when you normally shutdown Windows it still uses the new fast boot.