Remove extraneous items from Windows Explorer

I am running Windows 10.

Currently, I have my Windows Explorer like this: Current State

I would like to make it so that my explorer would only show folders that I pin to it. For instance: Target State

There are certainly methods available to remove individual folders (e.g. OneDrive) but are there any overall ways to everything from the Navigation Bar that I did not explicitly add?

Solution 1:

After spending a bit of time on this, I finally came up with a solution that I am really happy with.

First off, we can come to a solution using the native Explorer by following the following guides:

  • Remove Extra Folders from My Computer in Windows 10
  • Remove Icons from Explorer Navigation in Windows 10

This site is really amazing and there are definitely some tips that I am using. However, I came up with a much better solution, which has left my new Explorer looking like this:

New Explorer

I used the QTTabBar extension in order to make this work with Snipicon Icons. This is highly customizable and allows you to assign hotkeys, create a tabbed explorer, etc. It creates an entirely new experience.

While you are at it, I suggest that you also check out Search Everything (for an amazing yet light search utility that is highly customizable and can search/index networked drives) and T-Clock Redux (which allows you to have a Taskbar with small icons yet display more information on the clock as well as display a more informative/powerful calendar for quick reference).