How to find max RAM speed supported

I'm intending to add some RAM into my current laptop. I have tried and read articles about RAM (memory and speed). I understand that laptop uses specific RAM (SODIMM).

I'm trying to find out what is the maximum speed (MHz) the motherboard is made to handle. I tried to look up the motherboard information and computer model. Yet unable to find an answer.

Can someone please give me some advises or the better the answer.

Fujitsu LH700 Core i5 64-bit windows 7

As far as I know at this point, 64bit can handle 8GB RAM maximum.

Thank you very much

It takes a bit of web searching. From your model number, I get this page:

which says you have a Intel Core i5 480M.

Since you are looking for Intel specs, the only place you want to go is

From here we see the CPU supports DDR3 800/1066, so 1066 is the MAX.

Note, x64 can theoretically support up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 Bytes of addressable RAM. Of course no consumer platform actually comes close, but you can find consumer desktops that support 32, 64, or even 128 GB of ram.