Can other forms of avoiding damage block the "Phase Shift" achievement?
Solution 1:
Doesn't seem possible to get this achievement currently. Used on Flagship wave3, with the cloak up: 3 missiles, 3 laser rounds AND the power surge laser spray all missing in one go. Didn't work.
Repeated with 0 shields on. Didn't work.
Removed engine power to prevent dodging, resulted in only a 60% dodge chance from the cloak alone, which resulted in pretty much every single projectile hitting at once and the entire ship filled with flames. Twice. 60% dodge my ass.
Something is definitely bugged with it at the moment.
Solution 2:
For best results, you need lots of incoming damage; asteroids count.
Here's how I unlocked that achievement:
- Fully-upgraded Cloak (of course)
- Find a late-game enemy with lots of weapons (preferably burst lasers) in an asteroid field.
- Cloak when just about everything is firing, and hope that all of that incoming damage (plus a few asteroids) is enough.
Shields don't affect this achievement; you're looking for misses, not simply damage avoided. I'm not sure if having a naturally-high dodge (i.e., engines + skill) affects this achievement, but my wild guess is that the game is simply looking for a dodge-while-cloaked, rather than a dodge-due-to-cloak-evasion-bonus-only.