Shared Preferences - max length of a single value

By Romain Guy From the Question Asked Here,

Whatever the maximum length of a Java string is. So something like Integer.MAX_VALUE chars.

I suppose while SharedPreference is an XML file stored with One Tag if you store only One Pair/Object. So there is no limit to write String in that if you think like you are writing in a file..(Theoretically)

But Actually what happens is that, while you are assigning value to SharedPreference using put/get function at that time you Reading/Writting value in String the limit becomes to store value at one time equal to Size limit of String Object of Java.

So while writting the code: Limit of SharedPreference String Size = Java String Object Size Limit(Practically)

Shared preference is stored in /data/data/[package_name]/shared_prefs/[app name].xml, I think there's no limit as per android architecture.

When I trying to save the max length string into the SharedPreferences in my device, it throw a Memory Exception when SharedPreferences data exceed 1.42 MB.

So if you have more than 1.42 MB data size to save its better to save use SQLite database.

According to

If you have a relatively small collection of key-values that you'd like to save, you should use the SharedPreferences APIs.