Can I do anything about "repaints on scroll" warning in Chrome for "overflow:scroll" div

You can apply this CSS on the div with overflow: scroll or overflow: auto that create scroll bottlenecks.

transform: translateZ(0);
-webkit-transform: translateZ(0);

That will force the browser to create a new layer to paint this element, and sometimes fix scroll bottlenecks (especially with Webkit).

Although the accepted answer solves the problem, it is worth looking at the CSS will-change property. This is preferred over transform: translateZ(0); in recent times. Here is an that article explains the difference in detail -

.scroll-container {
  will-change: transform;

This amazingly took me multiple days to track down what was going on, and only because I saw the one side-comment at the end of a bug report at Chromium bugtracker Issue 514303. Here's what's going on and how to fix it:

There exists a concept called "LCD text", which I believe means subpixel antialiasing, i.e. "crisper sharper text". Unfortunately, this feature is mutually incompatible with compositor-accelerated scrolling.

LCD text is enabled by default (at least on Blink/Webkit?) on all platforms which are not high-DPI (most normal monitors; i.e. you can check console.log(devicePixelRatio)). On the other hand, LCD text is DISABLED by default on high-DPI devices (think Retina display, or most mobile devices and tablets) since you don't really need a "crisper sharper text" feature on high-DPI platforms.

Therefore the opposite is true for compositor-accelerated scrolling: it is only possible on high-DPI platform where LCD text is disabled.

However, you can force compositor-accelerated scrolling on most monitors by promoting the overflow:scroll element to its own layer, by either adding will-change:transform to that element, or any hackish equivalent which will force the overflow element to be the parent of its own layer (such as transform:translateZ(0)). (Do note that vendor prefixes are being removed.)

tl;dr: Chrome doesn't suppose both subpixel antialiasing AND gpu-assisted scrolling; pick one or the other. Subpixel antialiasing is the default pick on Chrome (except on cellphones and retina displays, because their text is so small you don't need the feature, so you won't notice this issue on those platforms). Override this by forcing the element into its own compositor Layer with will-change:transform (but note that maybe your text won't look crystal perfect).