Problem with External Hard Disk

I'm experiecning a problem with my External Hard Disk.

When I plug my HDD in ubuntu it works. When I plug it in Windows, it also works. But when I transfer files from Ubuntu to HDD and then trying to acess them from Windows, no matter how I try, I get error messages. And when I'm able to acess them I cannot cpoy, or delete them through windows. They can only be modified through Ubuntu. I gave my HDD to a friend and she couldn't copy a folder I had created using Ubuntu. When I checked it using Windows 7, I clicked on the foldres' properties, and I saw that the "Read-Only" box was checked. I unckecked the box, but nothing. Only Ubuntu could modify the files in the folder, and copy or delete them from the HDD. How can I prevent ubuntu from making my files "read-only" for windows?

Solution 1:

I'm pretty sure that NTFS WRITE support is experimental for the Linux fs driver. The filesystem is probably broken. You could try running a fdisk from Windows on that volume and pray that it will repair it. Aside from that, you really shouldn't be using NTFS to share data between Windows and Linux, VFAT e.g. Fat32, is more than adequate.