Stopping iOS backspace deleting whole words or lines?


Even though I have owned every iPhone from the 3G onwards I have NEVER mastered the backspace key. If you hold it to delete a few words it almost ALWAYS catches me out and starts deleting whole words and then whole lines (if you keep it pressed). I just want it to continue deleting one letter at a time until I remove my finger. If I want to delete huge blocks I would highlight them. :)


Is there ANY way to prevent this? My iPhone 5 is Jailbroken so I'm sure there must be a way but no matter how much searching I do I can't for the life of me find it.


Solution 1:


While this does not 'fix' your backspace you can use the 'shift' key en swipe over the keyboard to select the text you want to delete. avoiding you to have to hold down the backspace

Check out the video in the link.

Works on iPhone and iPad.