Parental controls not logging off user

We are successfully using Parental controls to limit our childrens time by the computer.

However I can't seem to be able to make the system log off the user when the time limit runs out. Since there are four people using the same computer it ends up being unusable as the kids run games, chat software, music software etcetera and after half a day the memory is stuffed with unused processes and the CPU is running HOT.

I have verified that the Fast user switching feature of the OS is turned off. Still the user that is locked out due to Parental controls time limits is not automatically logged out.

I also tried to change the security setting "Log out user after XX minutes of inactivity". I set it to 10 minutes and it works fine for the user that is currently using the computer but all locked out users are still logged in (however "inactive" they might be).

This is driving me nuts. I end up having to interfere with the children several times a day restarting or logging in or out different users. Please help!

Ah, some info: MacMini Late 2012, OS X 10.8.2

Looks like you are doing everything right. Auto logout will only work for the user that is currently logged in.

The easiest way is to reboot the system. Either automatically at night or if you need to get the system under control quickly.

I found this discussion on the apple support boards ( that advocates using Activity Monitor to kill the process.

Or go hardcore and write a script that will occasionally kill all processes of the kids users:

killall -u username