Is it possible to use EXT4 partition in windows 10? [closed]

This may seem like a noob question, most probably because it is. I am currently on a dual-boot system with windows 10 and ubuntu 16.10. I am syncing github sources to my hard disk on ubuntu(for building roms). The sources are are 25gb and with crappy internet speeds, takes days for me and there are times when I have to use windows. So, is there any way I can view the partition in windows so that I can continue to sync the sources even when I'm using windows? Thanks a lot for your help.

You cannot use an ext partition with Windows on its own.

Windows cannot read ext partitions. This has always been the case and continues to be the case.

You would have to repartition your disk to have a shared storage space (such as NTFS or FAT32) to use with both OSes and then use that for storing repositories you need on both environments.

@Rinzwind made a note in comments:

There are at least 2 windows projects that allow using ext on windows. ext2fsd is for ext2 and ext3. Paragon ExtFS (non-free) allow full access to ext

@AadithyaS ext2fsd is limited. it does not understand journaling and worse lacks ext4 support.