how can I get around the 0x80030001 error when trying to copy files from a set of search results in Windows Explorer?

I'd like to search for mp3 files in a subfolder on my Android phone and copy them to my computer so I can listen to them. These are podcasts. When I use Windows Explorer to do this I get this error when I try to copy them:

0x80030001 unable to perform requested operation

I've tried using CubicExplorer but it doesn't seem to be able to search the phone's files. Is there any way around this bug? It seems like MS is not going to fix it based on what I've read.

The only work around is to search, then open file location one by one, then copy one by one. Pretty lame.

I would just play these files directly from VLC but that won't work, VLC errors out when I try that. I reported it as a bug and they said it wasn't, essentially.

Solution 1:

The problem is you try to move the files from "search results". If you can locate where is the file (e.g. using "Open file location" from context menu) you can copy/move the files. Reference

Solution 2:

Connect your android phone with your PC as USB storage. To connect your mobile as USB storage go to Settings -> more settings -> USB utilities -> Connect storage to PC

Note: The path will be vary depends on the android OS.

Now search the files and you can copy the files to your compute and play it or you can play it directly.