Windows 10 scheduled tasks are not running

I have a laptop and the same problem occured to me.

I resolved the issue DISABLING the option "Start the task only if the computer is on AC power" on the "Conditions" tab and "Power" group.

My laptop was indeed AC powered, but must be some kind of bug in this detection.

I have same issue here. And found one workaround which may help someone to solve this. If I set start date and time to be in future (near future, just 1 minute), task will be triggered and will repeat at specific interval.

Until user who start the task sign out! If it signout, task won't start. Off-course Security options is set to Run whether user is logged on or not.

It appears that repeated tasks were broken by the Anniversary Update. Sad :/ There is no known work-around at this point other than to stop using the Task Scheduler and move to a third party solution.

More info here - there are a few workarounds suggested but none that are usable. One is to run the task under the SYSTEM account, but this is no good for anyone requiring a specific AD user.

I'm seeing the same thing on some servers running Server 2012 but it only seems to happen after the system is rebooted. The solution I've found is editing the trigger and changing the start time slightly. Once I've done that the task runs fine. Will have to see if the problem comes back after the next reboot.