How to compute the number of occurrences of a string in the entire workbook?
Solution 1:
Here is the equivalent VBA code to count the number of cells containing at least one string
Sub StringCounter()
Dim r As Range, s As String, i As Long
s = "*string*"
For Each sh In Sheets
Set r = sh.Range("C2:C150")
i = i + Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(r, s)
Next sh
MsgBox i
End Sub
Here is the code to count the number of strings It will count multiple string within a single cell:
Sub StringCounter_II_The_Sequel()
Dim r As Range, s As String, i As Long
Dim rr As Range, L As Long
s = "string"
L = Len(s)
For Each sh In Sheets
Set r = sh.Range("C2:C150")
For Each rr In r
txt = rr.Text
If InStr(txt, s) > 0 Then
i = i + (Len(txt) - Len(Replace(txt, s, ""))) / L
End If
Next rr
Next sh
MsgBox i
End Sub
The math works as follows:
- say there are three string in a cell and the number of characters in that cell is 100
- the replace removes all three instances and the new length is 82
- the subtract results in 18
- the division results in 3 (because the word string is 6 characters long)
Solution 2:
You need to define each range for each sheet e.g.
COUNTIF(Sheet1!C2:C150,"*string*")+COUNTIF(Sheet2!C2:C150,"*string*") ...
If you want to be clever, you can say put each sheet in the column A, and in column B use
Or whatever fits your naming scheme. Then drag it down for each count and sum that.
Solution 3:
You can write a pretty straightforward user-defined function in VBA to do this. Paste the following code into a new module (for instructions on how to do this, see this post):
Public Function WBCountString(SearchFor As String, InRange As Range) As Long
Dim wbcs As Long, rng As Range, addr As String
For Each s In Worksheets
'Limit search area to specified range.
addr = InRange.Address
Set rng = s.Range(addr)
'Keep a running tally of the number of instances of the word in the specified range on each sheet.
wbcs = wbcs + Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, "*" & SearchFor & "*")
Next s
WBCountString = wbcs
End Function
Once you have this code in a module, you can use the function from the worksheet. For example, to count the number of instances of potato
in column C on all worksheets, you would use the following syntax.