using Jasmines spyon upon a private method

is it possible to use Jasmine unit testing framework's spyon method upon a classes private methods?

The documentation gives this example but can this be flexivble for a private function?

describe("Person", function() {
    it("calls the sayHello() function", function() {
        var fakePerson = new Person();
        spyOn(fakePerson, "sayHello");

Solution 1:

Just add a generic parameter < any> to the spyon() function:

 spyOn<any>(fakePerson, 'sayHello');

It works on perfectly !

Solution 2:

spyOn<any>(fakePerson, 'sayHello');

by adding <any> to spyOn you remove it from typescript type check. you also need to use array index notation in order to access a private method (sayHello) in the test expect