Git autocomplete in bash aliases?

After using complete -F:

complete -F _git_checkout go

Tabbing after go may result in:

bash: [: 1: unary operator expected

Instead of complete, use __git_complete

This is git bash completion's built-in function for this purpose.

After declaring your alias, bind the correct auto-complete function to it:

# Main git completions (prior to git 2.30, you an use _git instead of __git_main)
alias g="git"
__git_complete g __git_main

alias go="git checkout"
__git_complete go _git_checkout

alias gp="git push"
__git_complete gp _git_push

If you can find out the completion function used by the original command, you can assign it to the alias using complete -F.

For example, on my ubuntu box, the completion function used by git checkout is _git_checkout (found in /etc/bash_complete.d/git).


Before running complete -F:

[me@home]$ git checkout <TAB><TAB>
HEAD            master          origin/HEAD     origin/master

[me@home]$ alias go="git checkout"

[me@home]$$ go <TAB><TAB>
.git/                  SvnSentinel/         
.gitignore        tests/ 


[me@home]$$ complete -F _git_checkout go

[me@home]$$ go <TAB><TAB>
HEAD            master          origin/HEAD     origin/master