How can I do GroupBy multiple columns in LINQ

Something similar to this in SQL:

SELECT * FROM <TableName> GROUP BY <Column1>,<Column2>

How can I convert this to LINQ:

    MaterialID int,
    ProductID int,
    Quantity float

INSERT INTO @QuantityBreakdown (MaterialID, ProductID, Quantity)
SELECT MaterialID, ProductID, SUM(Quantity)
FROM @Transactions
GROUP BY MaterialID, ProductID

Solution 1:

Use an anonymous type.


group x by new { x.Column1, x.Column2 }

Solution 2:

Procedural sample:

.GroupBy(x => new { x.Column1, x.Column2 })

Solution 3:

Ok got this as:

var query = (from t in Transactions
             group t by new {t.MaterialID, t.ProductID}
             into grp
                    select new
                        Quantity = grp.Sum(t => t.Quantity)

Solution 4:

For Group By Multiple Columns, Try this instead...

GroupBy(x=> new { x.Column1, x.Column2 }, (key, group) => new 
  Key1 = key.Column1,
  Key2 = key.Column2,
  Result = group.ToList() 

Same way you can add Column3, Column4 etc.