How to fix the warning: "RPMDB altered outside of yum"?

Solution 1:

As noted in the comments and supported by RHEL documentation, another command (that worked in my situation) is:

yum history sync

It will iterate through the installed RPMs and synchronize the rpm & yumdb databases.

Solution 2:

As mentioned in the comments, this is a harmless warning that informs you that a package has been installed or removed directly using the rpm command instead of yum. The difference is that yum automatically resolves dependencies for you and keeps the package-management DB on your system up-to-date.

See Execution of yum leads to "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum." for an official explanation of the message on the Red Hat Customer Portal.

To get rid of the warning, run:

# yum history new

See also yum or rpm, which contains further explanations and links to Red Hat documentation about both Yum and RPM.