Joining Multiple Domains in Windows 7

Solution 1:

As far as I am aware Windows 7 does not provide any better features for dealing with multiple domains than XP did, so your probably best to continue the way you have been.

One option would be to install XP mode or a VM and join your Windows XP machine to the other domain, which will give you a little more integration. As Windows 7 also allows you to boot to VM, so you could run a VM for each domain.

Solution 2:

I visit a number of different Customer sites each week, and I prefer not to join my personal machine to any of my Customers' domains (to not have thier group policy apply, etc).

If you're just mapping drives, why not just use a script w/ credentials stored in the script to map the drives:

@echo off
net use x: /d
net use x: \\server\share /USER:DOMAIN\username password

Run the appropriate script for each site. No domain membership necessary.