Allowing non-admins to run programs as admins on Windows 7

Solution 1:

It may be fruitful to investigate why the program needs admin priveledges. If it comes down to things like file or registry permissions, then you may be able to get the program operating under non-admin credentials by adjusting permissions to grant the user access.

Solution 2:

The question should not be "how do I grant admin privileges", the question should be how to I get the correct priviliges to the user to run the application. In windows, "admin privileges" refers to a collection of privileges that an admin gets by default. There are very few applications that require all of those privileges. You should audit the applications privilege use and adjust the user rights accordingly (preferably by creating a group and assigning the rights to that group). This concept is known as the Principle of Least Privilege

Solution 3:

  1. Right click the program you wish to grant administrative privileges
  2. Go to Properties –> Compatibility Tab
  3. At the end of the compatibility tab, you will find the following check box: Run this program as an administrator
  4. Just check the check box and click OK and then again OK.
  5. This will grant administrative privileges to that program permanently.

If you want to grant the program administrative privileges for all the users, then you can do so by going again to compatibility tab and clicking Change settings for all users.

Check the check box which says Run this program as an administrator.

Now the program will run in administrative mode for all the users of the system.