Export each sheet to a separate csv file

Solution 1:

A vbs to run this code would look something like this.

  1. The vbs file can be executed from the commandline
  2. The folder name is redundant as if the file exists (the FSO object tests for this) then the folder it resides in must also exist
  3. The code automates Excel to separate the sheets

two key points to note compared to your VBA above

  • you can't Dim a vbs object as a string, Workbook etc (hence your initial error). You can only Dim them
  • you can't used a named constant such as xlCSV in vbscript, hence the use of 6 below as the CSV format

    Dim strFilename  
    Dim objFSO  
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")  
    strFilename = "C:\temp\test.xlsx"  
    If objFSO.fileexists(strFilename) Then  
      Call Writefile(strFilename)  
      wscript.echo "no such file!"  
    End If  
    Set objFSO = Nothing  
    Sub Writefile(ByVal strFilename)  
    Dim objExcel  
    Dim objWB  
    Dim objws  
    Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")  
    Set objWB = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(strFilename)  
    For Each objws In objWB.Sheets  
      objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs objWB.Path & "\" & objws.Name & ".csv", 6  
      objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Close False  
    objWB.Close False  
    Set objExcel = Nothing  
    End Sub