Create a HOC (higher order component) for authentication in Next.js

Solution 1:

You should separate and extract your authentication logic from getServerSideProps into a re-usable higher-order function.

For instance, you could have the following function that would accept another function (your getServerSideProps), and would redirect to your login page if the userToken isn't set.

export function requireAuthentication(gssp) {
    return async (context) => {
        const { req, res } = context;
        const token = req.cookies.userToken;

        if (!token) {
            // Redirect to login page
            return {
                redirect: {
                    destination: '/admin/login',
                    statusCode: 302

        return await gssp(context); // Continue on to call `getServerSideProps` logic

You would then use it in your page by wrapping the getServerSideProps function.

// pages/index.js (or some other page)

export const getServerSideProps = requireAuthentication(context => {
    // Your normal `getServerSideProps` code here

Solution 2:

Based on Julio's answer, I made it work for iron-session:

import { GetServerSidePropsContext } from 'next'
import { withSessionSsr } from '@/utils/index'

export const withAuth = (gssp: any) => {
    return async (context: GetServerSidePropsContext) => {
        const { req } = context
        const user = req.session.user

        if (!user) {
            return {
                redirect: {
                    destination: '/',
                    statusCode: 302,

        return await gssp(context)

export const withAuthSsr = (handler: any) => withSessionSsr(withAuth(handler))

And then I use it like:

export const getServerSideProps = withAuthSsr((context: GetServerSidePropsContext) => {
    return {
        props: {},

My withSessionSsr function looks like:

import { GetServerSidePropsContext, GetServerSidePropsResult, NextApiHandler } from 'next'
import { withIronSessionApiRoute, withIronSessionSsr } from 'iron-session/next'
import { IronSessionOptions } from 'iron-session'

const IRON_OPTIONS: IronSessionOptions = {
    cookieName: process.env.IRON_COOKIE_NAME,
    password: process.env.IRON_PASSWORD,
    ttl: 60 * 2,

function withSessionRoute(handler: NextApiHandler) {
    return withIronSessionApiRoute(handler, IRON_OPTIONS)

// Theses types are compatible with InferGetStaticPropsType
function withSessionSsr<P extends { [key: string]: unknown } = { [key: string]: unknown }>(
    handler: (
        context: GetServerSidePropsContext
    ) => GetServerSidePropsResult<P> | Promise<GetServerSidePropsResult<P>>
) {
    return withIronSessionSsr(handler, IRON_OPTIONS)

export { withSessionRoute, withSessionSsr }