What features to you like to see in a help desk product? [closed]

This question is for the professional sys admins and desktop support folks. Sorry developers...you can go talk about bug tracking on Stack Overflow.

What type of features or functionally do you like or would you like to have in your help desk or trouble ticket software?

Some areas might be reporting, integration with hardware/software inventory, Active Directory/LDAP intregration, automatically closing tickets from those certain users.

E-mail integration. Without that, there's no way I'm having anything to do with a help desk product. It's important that customers and staff can communicate using e-mail.

  • Office Communicator/IM integration
  • Free/Busy integration ("I'll contact Jane about her problem - oh, no point, I can see she's in a meeting/on a call/on vacation")
  • User self-service portals ("I want to change my cell number in the GAL please!")
  • User how-to portals ("how do I add a printer?" or "how do I set my out of office assistant?")
  • Requests (not problems - in other words "hey I'd like a new laptop etc")
  • Supervisor approvals (for requests "Yes I approve Jane Does new laptop")
  • Knowledge base (for tier 1/2 staff) generated internally and automatically ("If you see Unusual-Problem X, the solution is Crafty-Workaround Y")
  • Some kind of wiki/sharepoint integration

Project and Maintenance Task Integration

I would like to see a system that (essentially) that shows all of the work that needs to be done by the support staff. At most small and mid-sized companies there is substantial overlap between the folks doing help desk support, the folks doing projects and the folks doing maintenance work. I would like to be able to manage the tasks for projects and the tasks for regular maintenance along with the tasks for help desk support in a single work management system.

So "Joe Help Desk" looks at a single work-management portal that shows the 8 user-support items, the 2 items for the Windows 7 project, and the 5 things he does every day for the backups. And "Jill Server Admin" looks at the same portal that shows her 12 items for the Windows 7 project, the 4 daily server maintenance tasks, and the 2 user-support items escalated by Joe. "Jeff Manager" looks at the portal and sees his tasks, and can also look to see if the maintenance tasks are being completed regularly and how the projects are moving.

Any recommendations?