Can I specify what characters set the double-click selection boundary in GNOME Terminal?
When I double-click to select text in GNOME Terminal, the selection stops at spaces but continues over hyphens:
Some of my filenames contain uncommon characters such as the heavy teardrop-spoked asterisk and are not selectable by double-clicking:
Is there a way to make double-click selection continue over these characters as well?
Solution 1:
[Adding an answer since the accepted one no longer works.]
I put this together into a script to set the word separators:
GNOME Terminal has flip flopped several times on this subject.
This configuration feature was removed in gnome-terminal 3.14 (included in Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid)
Then in gnome-terminal 3.16 (included in Ubuntu 15.10 Wily), the option was reintroduced under the hood, but with no UI. In addition, colon :
was changed to be treated as a word separator.
Editing with dconf
Per these instructions, you can configure the set using dconf:
I like to use -#%&+,./:=?@_~
as the set of non-word-separators.
Note that the use of colons there is /crazy/. Yes, there is :/: in there.
1) edit -> profile preferences -> the General tab on your profile has its Profile ID, e.g. b1dcc9dd-5262-4d8d-a863-c897e6d979b9
2) check you've got the syntax right with:
dconf list /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:b1dcc9dd-5262-4d8d-a863-c897e6d979b9/ foreground-color visible-name palette use-system-font ...
If it returns nothing, you've got it wrong; try again.
dconf write /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:b1dcc9dd-5262-4d8d-a863-c897e6d979b9/word-char-exceptions '@ms "-#%&+,./:=?@_~"'
Specifically, this has ":" in, which makes it select URLs like I expect. ( doesn't select "//").
Solution 2:
In "Edit > Profile Preferences > General", add the character to the "Select-by-word characters" box.