What are the synonyms for 'face-to-face'?

I found in dictionary - opposite, but that is not the synonym that I am looking for.

I am interested for something like 'local'. For example, "We work with customers face-to-face as well as remotely". With what can I replace "face-to-face" in this sentense?

I think you're probably looking for something like on-site. You're actually looking for an antonym to remote rather than a synonym of face-to-face.

Related: How do I phrase "remote work" better?

There are special usages of personally and actual:

personally 1. Without the intervention of another; in person: I thanked them personally. AHDEL

in person - in the flesh (WordNet)

x x x x x

We work with actual people.

However, register is important - I would rarely use 'in the flesh' or 'actual people' in advertising literature, for instance.